9th of May 2025 - Europe Day
plenary hall
Guest reception
► Opening of the second day of the Congress - "Europe Day"
Czesław Siekierski - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Marek Woźniak - President of the Greater Poland Region
Tomasz Kobierski - President of MTP
► Vision for agriculture and food
Christophe Hansen - EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Food
► The future of agriculture and rural development - discussion
Francesco Lollobrigida - Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry of Italy
Christophe Hansen - EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Food
Maria Panayiotou - Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of Cyprus
Czesław Siekierski - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
► How to achieve multifunctionality in rural areas
Wiktor Szmulewicz - President of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers
Massimiliano Giansanti - President of COPA
Arūnas Svitojus - President of the Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
Kerli Ats - European Economic and Social Committee
► Hopes for the next generation - the viewpoint of Europe's youth
CEJA representative
Rural Youth Europe representantive
ERP representative
► AGRI REGIONS - coalition
Representative of AGRI REGIONS
► European Rural Parliament- Proposals for the Polish Presidency
Tom Jones - President of ERCA and member of the ERP, European Rural Parliament's Steering Group
Radim Sršeň - Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Czech Republic
Urszula Budzich-Tabor - Rural Pact Secretariat
► Village a historic monument an exapmple
Dr Eugenie Trützschler von Falkenstein - Thuringia
► Rural development: promoted policy changes after 2027
Czesław Siekierski - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
Olgierd Geblewicz - President of the West Pomeranian Voivodship
► Spain's policy towards depopulation
Representative from Spain
Piotr Sadłocha - President of ELARD
► Strengthening rural communities on their way to sustainable transformation
Prof. Dr. Ewa Korcelli-Olejniczak
Representative of the country participating in the project
► ARGE-programme for villages
Dr Marija Markes - Slovenia, Ministry of the Environment
► Polish Rural Parliament
Summary of proceedings
Newly elected (on 8th of May 2025) president of the Polish Parliament
► Partner regions of Polish regions on Rural Renewal and Development
Thomas Schmidt - Member of the Landtag of Saxony, Minister of the Environment and Agriculture of Saxony (2014-2019), Minister of Regional Development of Saxony (2019-2024)
Dr Herbert Daschiel - Minister Counsellor, Bavarian Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism
► Poland outside the big cities in the European Union
Czesław Siekierski - Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development