Communication no. 17 on changes in templates of electronic documents (xml schemas) referred to in Article 78(2) of the AML/CFT Act.
Due to numerous enquiries and remarks addressed to the General Inspector of Financial Information (hereinafter referred to as “the GIFI”) concerning the permissible characters in box “IdentityDocument-SeriesAndNumberOfDocument in the information on above threshold transactions referred to in Article 72 of the Act of 1 March 2018 on counteracting money laundering and financing of terrorism (Journal of Laws of 2019, item 1115) (hereinafter referred to as “the AML/CFT Act”) reported to the GIFI I hereby inform that from 31 October 2019 the scope of permissible characters in this box is changed. It will be possible to enter any sign, excluding the end-of-line character, except for the case in which in the box determining the code of a kind of document one of values ('DO','PA') occurs and at the same time in the box determining the citizenship the value ‘PL’ occurs - then letters and numbers ([A-Z0-9]) are permissible characters and the checksum of numbers of Polish identity cards and passports is checked. Furthermore, the size of a box is increased up to 40 characters.
The introduced changes are accompanied by the description of relations between particular elements of the xml scheme (including the conditions of data coherence, the use of dictionary values, etc.). The above-mentioned description in its current wording (the file description_of_information_schemes_concerning_tr_v08.xlsx) is attached to this communication (the content of the file was described in detail in the GIFI communication no. 2 of 22 February of the current year). The changes concern only boxes determining the series and number of an identity document for natural persons and these are the following cells of the Excel sheet named ‘pdm”:
* cell 19H - description of validation during the transfer to box 5.9 SeriaINumerDokumentu
translation: [SeriesAndNumberOfDocument]
* cell 67H - description of validation during the transfer to box 5.9 SeriaINumerDokumentu
translation [SeriesAndNumberOfDocument]