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Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki talked to EU Commissioner Thierry Breton


The head of the Polish government met with EU Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton. The meeting concerned the current agenda of the European Union, with particular focus on matters relating to the internal market, as well as the industrial and digital policies.


Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Thierry Breton discussed, among other things, measures taken by the EU in order to limit the development of pandemic, the EU's strategic autonomy, and issues related to the EU single market and digitisation.

EU’s strategic autonomy

The EU is developing the European understanding of the concept of strategic autonomy. Poland sees it as a way of strengthening the EU's international position in an era of increasing geopolitical competition.

Our country believes that strategic autonomy should allow the EU to achieve its ambitious objectives and, at the same time, reduce its dependence on third countries, namely countries that do not respect democratic values and have low environmental standards in production processes and production quality.

Single market

Poland strongly supports the ambitious agenda of the EU single market, especially in the service sector. A strong single market without barriers will help European countries to emerge from the crisis and support their economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic. In the long-term, the single market will be a crucial element in building European competitiveness and strategic autonomy.

Poland also recognises the need for greater involvement in actions that aim to further integrate the single market and eliminate barriers at the national and European level.


The European Commission has accelerated work on digital transformation both at the strategic level and with respect to specific digital areas (Internet platforms, data management, AI, digital identification, and cybersecurity).

Poland points out that the development of modern technologies is not enough as they also have to inspire confidence in citizens and entrepreneurs. If citizens object to modern technologies, their implementation will not contribute to the economic and social development. However, setting new standards with respect to digital rights must meet the requirements arising from the treaty and constitution. 

EU Commissioner for Internal Market

Thierry Breton has held the position of EU Commissioner for Internal Market since 1 December 2019. From 2005 to 2007, he was the French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry in the governments of Prime Ministers Jean-Pierre Raffarin and Dominique de Villepin. 
