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Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day in Canberra and the anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group


The Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day celebration took place on 23 April at the Hungarian Embassy in Canberra. This year, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group, alongside representatives of the Polish and Hungarian communities, we also invited our friends from the Czech Republic and Slovakia to attend.

PL-HU-V4 Day

The Polish-Hungarian Friendship Day celebration took place on 23 April at the Hungarian Embassy in Canberra. This year, in connection with the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Visegrad Group, alongside representatives of the Polish and Hungarian communities, we also invited our friends from the Czech Republic and Slovakia to attend.

Among the participants of the event were also representatives of the Katyn 1940-Smolensk 2010 Australia Rally, who traveled the route from Sydney to the foot of Mount Kościuszko for the sixth time to commemorate the victims of the Katyń massacre of 1940 and the government plane crash near Smoleńsk in 2010. Traditionally, they stopped halfway in the Australian capital.

The declaration to establish March 23rd as the Day of Friendship of both nations was adopted on 12 March 2007 by unanimous decision of all members of the Hungarian Parliament. On 16 March 2007, similar resolution was passed by acclamation by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland.
