Zaštita ličnih podataka
Informacije o obradi ličnih podataka u konzularnim skupovima.
Shodno čl. 13 Uredbe (EU) 2016/679 Evropskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 27. aprila 2016. o zaštiti fizičkih osoba u pogledu obrade ličnih podataka i o slobodnom kretanju takvih podataka, te stavljanju van snage Direktive 95/46 /EC (GDPR), obavještavamo vas da: :
1. Administrator, u smislu čl. 4 tačka 7 GDPR-a, Vaših ličnih podataka je Ministar Vanjskih Poslova sa sjedištem u Poljskoj, u Varšavi (00-580), Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23.
2. Konzul Republike Poljske u Sarajevu, sa sjedištem u ul. Višnjik 20, 71000 Sarajevo obavlja poslove administratora u odnosu na podatke sadržane u konzularnim dosijeima kojima on vodi.
3. Ministar spoljnih poslova imenovao je inspektora za zaštitu podataka (IOD), koji obavlja svoje dužnosti vezane za podatke koji se obrađuju u Ministarstvu spoljnih poslova i diplomatskim predstavništvima u inostranstvu. Ovu funkciju obavlja g. Danijel Ščensni (Daniel Szczęsny).
Kontakt podaci za IOD:
adresa: Al. J. Ch. Szucha 23, 00-580 Warszawa
e-mail adresa:
4. Pristup podacima imaju samo osobe koje je ovlastio administrator.
5. Podaci koji se nalaze u konzularnim dosijeima obrađuju se na osnovu premisa sadržanih u članu 6 st. 1 sl. c GDPR kako bi konzul RP izvršio obaveze koje proizilaze iz posebnih zakonskih odredaba (navedenih u tabeli ispod).
6. Podaci su zaštićeni odredbama GDPR-a i ne mogu se staviti na raspolaganje trećim stranama koje nisu ovlašćene za pristup tim podacima i neće biti ustupljeni trećim zemljama koje ne garantuju zaštitu u najmanju ruku istovetnu onoj koju predviđaju odredbe GDPR. Podaci se mogu ustupiti trećim zemljama samo u slučaju da je takva obaveza navedena u poljskom zakonu ili zakonu Evropske unije, u skladu sa odredbama čl. 44 - 46 GDPR.
7. Vaši podaci mogu biti ustupljeni relevantnim subjektima, uključujući javne vlasti, na osnovu zakonskih propisa.
8. Davanje vaših ličnih podataka je zakonski uslov i neophodno je za razmatranje slučaja koji se tiču konzularnih poslova.
9. Ukoliko pojedine odredbe ne predviđaju drugačije, imate pravo da kontrolišete obradu podataka iz čl. 15-19 i čl. 21 GDPR, a naročito pravo na pristup svojim podacima i ispravljanje, brisanje ili ograničavanje obrade (ako se primenjuju članovi 17 i 18 GDPR-a).
10. Vaši podaci neće biti obrađivani na automatizovan način koji bi uticao na donošenje odluka koje mogu imati zakonske posledice ili značajano uticati na njih. Podaci neće biti profilisani.
11. Imate pravo da podnesete žalbu nadzornom organu na adresu predsednika Kancelarije za zaštitu ličnih podataka:
Prezes Urzędu Ochrony Danych Osobowych
ul. Stawki 2
00-193 Warszawa.
Sve gorenavedeno je u składu i sa čl. 14 Uredbe Evropskog parlamenta i Saveta (EU) od 27. aprila 2016. o zaštiti pojedinaca u pogledu obrade ličnih podataka i slobodnog protoka tih podataka i stavljanja van snage Direktive 95/46 / EC (GDPR).
Cases relating to lost documents and transferring found documents |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law, Act of 6 August 2010 on identity cards |
Completing the report of loss or damage of the ID card and issuing a certificate of loss or damage of the ID card. Transferring vehicle registration cards and driving licenses to Poland. |
5 years
Visa cases |
Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners, Regulation (EC) No 810/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 establishing a Community Code on Visas (Visa Code), Act of 14 July 2006 on entry into the territory of the Republic of Poland, stay and departure from this territory of citizens of EU Member States and members of their families, Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Issuing or refusing to issue a Schengen visa or a national visa, withdrawing or cancelling visas, and settling the application for a re-examination of the visa application. |
1 year (from the date of the decision) |
Translation cases |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Preparing translations of documents, certifying translations, issuance of a multilingual standard form
5 years |
Consular assistance cases |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law and in conjunction with Articles 6(1)(c) and (d), and Article 9(2)(c) and art. 10 of the GDPR |
Providing consular assistance |
5 years (with the exception of personal data relating to the return of accepted deposits or return of items found that are processed with no time limit) |
Legal assistance cases |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Delivering letters, hearings, submitting information to the competent authority, court or prosecutor pursuant to a legal assistance application |
5 years
Cases regarding marital status and the act on changing first names and last names |
Act of 28 November 2014 — Martial Status Records Law, Act of 17 October 2008 on changing first names and last names, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Completing the application for taking actions provided for in the relevant law provisions |
50 years (marriage before the Consul of the Republic of Poland) 10 years (change of first name and last name, recognition of paternity, births, deaths, marriages abroad, transcription of marital status records in the Republic of Poland, other cases regarding the marital status) |
Notary public cases |
Act of 14 February 1991 — Notary Public Act, Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Completing the application for performing notary public actions provided for in the relevant law provisions.
10 years (data relating to the issue of a notarial deed) 2 years (other notary public activities) |
Cases regarding the issue of an emergency travel document |
Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of 25 June 1996 on the establishment of an emergency travel document, Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Issuing of an emergency travel document or a Polish emergency travel document for a foreigner. |
10 years |
the Polish Card cases |
Act of 7 September 2007 on the Polish Card, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Granting, refusing to grant, cancelling or extending the validity of the Polish Card |
10 years 2 years if loss, destruction or finding the Polish Card was reported |
Certificate issued pursuant to Art. 11aa section 4 Act of October 7, 1999 on the Polish language |
Act of October 7, 1999 on the Polish language.
Issuing a Polish diaspora certificate.
5 years
School IDs |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Issuing a school ID |
5 years |
Cases regarding the documents legalisation and obtaining documents from abroad |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Legalising an official document prepared or authenticated in the host country |
2 years |
Local border traffic cases |
Regulation (EC) No 1931/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down rules on local border traffic at the external land borders of the Member States and amending the provisions of the Schengen Convention, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Issuing, refusing to issue, cancelling a local border traffic permit |
2 years |
Passport cases |
Act of 27 January 2022 on passports, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law, Article 6(1)(C), Article 9 (2)(G) and Article 10 of the GDPR |
Issuing a passport, reporting loss, damage, refusing to issue, declaration of invalidity and cancellation of a passport
60 years in case of issuing a passport, in other cases: 10 years |
Repatriation cases |
Act of 27 January 2007 on repatriation, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Recognising as a person of Polish origin, granting a repatriation visa, providing repatriation grant from the state budget |
25 years |
Inheritance cases |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Exercising rights to inheritance vested in the State Treasury; |
No time limit |
Polish citizenship cases |
Act of 2 April 2009 on Polish citizenship, and Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Completing the application for: granting Polish citizenship by the President of the Republic of Poland, consent of the President of the Republic of Poland to renounce Polish citizenship, restoration of Polish citizenship, confirmation of Polish citizenship, acceptance of a declaration of consent for the acquisition of Polish citizenship, renunciation of Polish citizenship, recognition as a Polish citizen. |
20 years (regarding confirmation of the citizenship, acquisition, assignment, restoration of citizenship and loss of citizenship) 5 years (regarding other correspondence in civic matters) |
Cases regarding obtaining information |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Providing information |
2 years |
Cases regarding the issuing of certificates |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Issuing a certificate to implement a legal interest of a party or an obligation resulting from a legal provision. |
10 years, and in case of issuing a certificate in the matter of import or carriage of weapons and ammunition through the territory of the Republic of Poland, transport of corpses — exhumation 5 years. |
Cases concerning providing support to Poles abroad |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law, and pursuant to premises of Article 6(1)(d), and Article 9(2)(c) of the GDPR |
Protecting the interests of Polish citizens and Polish legal persons temporarily staying abroad, including information on emergency and crisis situations |
5 years |
Nationwide elections and referendums |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular Law, and Act of 5 January 2011 — Election Law |
Conducting a vote in the elections of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and the Senate of the Republic of Poland, the European Parliament, and in a nationwide referendum. |
5 years |
Cases regarding seaman’s books and other maritime affairs |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law Act of 29 June 2020 Maritime Code, Act of 18 August 2011 on maritime safety, Act of 16 March 1995 on the prevention of sea pollution by ships, Act of 5 August 2015 on maritime work |
Issuing a seaman’s book, issuing a temporary certificate of Polish membership of the ship, ship security certificate |
10 years in case of issuing a seaman’s book, in other cases — 5 years |
Act of 17 February 2005 on computerisation of the activities of entities performing public tasks |
Confirming a trusted profile |
20 years |
Cases regarding applications for permission to serve in a foreign army, providing access to documents in the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) resources |
Act of 25 June 2015 — Consular law |
Submitting a request to a competent authority for consent to serve in a foreign army or foreign military organisation, submitting an application to the Institute of National Remembrance for access to documents in the resources of the Institute of National Remembrance |
10 years |