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El décimo aniversario del accidente aéreo de Smolensk


El 10 de abril de 2010, un avión especial TU-154M con el Presidente de Polonia Lech Kaczyński y la Primera Dama Maria Kaczyńska a bordo despegó de Varsovia a Smolensk. Ese mismo día, los miembros de la delegación oficial debían participar en las ceremonias que tienen lugar en el Cementerio de Guerra de Katyn, en conmemoración del 70 aniversario del crimen cometido allí. El avión transportaba a 96 personas, incluidos miembros de las más altas autoridades estatales, representantes de diversos círculos sociales y denominaciones religiosas, comandantes militares de alto rango y la tripulación del avión. Todos los pasajeros del vuelo murieron en el desastre aéreo que tuvo lugar durante el aterrizaje en el aeropuerto cerca de Smolensk.

10 kwietnia 2020

The delegation heading for the Katyn celebrations on 10 April 2010 consisted of representatives of the Polish elite, holding diverse political, social and religious beliefs. It included deputy speakers of Sejm and Senate, a group of parliamentarians, top commanders of Polish Armed Forces, Presidential Chancellery, officials of state institutions, clergymen, representatives of ministries, members of veterans’ and social organizations, and accompanying persons. Ryszard Kaczorowski, present aboard the plane, symbolically connected contemporary Poland to the Second Republic’s elites and tradition.

Those on the flight to Smolensk headed to Katyn in order to pay tribute to the victims of mass executions carried out in the Katyn Forest, Mednoye, Kharkiv, Bykivnia and Kuropaty by NKVD in Spring 1940 under the order of the Soviet Union’s head authorities. The Katyn massacre took lives of the Polish prisoners of war, among whom were officers, academics, clergymen of all faiths, civil servants and officials, representatives of free professions and entrepreneurs - members of the Second Republic’s elite. The Katyn crime and Smolensk plane crash are two symbols of tragic events in the history of Poland.

Because of the catastrophe of the TU-154M aircraft, President Lech Kaczyński did not have the possibility to deliver the speech prepared for the 70th anniversary of the Katyn crime.

“Let’s have the Katyn wound finally healed and turned into a scar,” wrote the President then.

His message message that he could not convey on 10 April 2010, resounds today, after ten years, equally powerful.

The events of that day shocked millions of Poles, as well as the international public opinion. Those on board of the flight will live forever in our memories.


MFA Press Office
