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Festival Historiske Dage 2022


During the Historiske Dage 2022, participants of the festival learned the story of Captain Witold Pilecki, and Lone and Lucjan Masłocha, Danish-Polish heroes of resistance movement during II World War.


At the festival's main stage, Jack Fairweather, author of the book "Volunteer", gave a lecture on the mission of Captain W. Pilecki. The author presented Pilecki's mission in Auschwitz concentration camp, the organization of an underground network and his reports about the extermination of Jews. The lecture was supported with a presentation of photographs and archival materials.

The next day, Mrs. Maria Małaśnicka-Miedzianogóra, author of the book “Roses for Lone”, in a discussion with Rune Larsen presented the story of Lone and Lucjan Masłoch, a Danish-Polish couple active in the resistance movement during the German occupation of Denmark in World War II. They died a heroic death. Both are buried in the cemetery of resistance fighters in Mindelunden, Ryvangen. Lone is the only woman among the 106 heroes, Lucjan is the only foreigner among the Danes.  

Historiske Dage took place on 26 and 27 March 2022.

We kindly encourage you to watch the story of Lone and Lucjan "A Danish woman with Poland in her heart" featuring M. Małaśnicka-Miedzianogóra.



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