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Statement of the Embassy to the article in Politiken


Embassy of the Republic of Poland issued a statement as an answer to the article of Politiken titled "Racism, rape and fear of human trafficking: Poland's border management triggers harsh criticism" from 22 March. The statement has been issued in English and Danish.


Please find below a statement in Danish.


We regret to say that the statements of the Amnesty International cited by Politiken on 22 March misrepresent the facts on the ground. Given the scale of the challenge, isolated incidents, mismanagements may occur, but blowing them out of proportions distorts the bigger picture of what we are witnessing in Poland. The Polish authorities and services are taking all possible measures to ensure the security and proper treatment of those in need. 

From day one, the government introduced measures to facilitate refugee reception: a simplified procedure for refugees, allowing persons without travel documents to cross the border, exemption from all COVID-19 restrictions and quarantine, setting up reception and information points, providing medical assistance and shelter. All the people fleeing Ukraine regardless of their nationality or country of origin were allowed into the territory of Poland. Out of 3,5 mln people who fled Ukraine, Poland welcomed 2,174 million (as of 23.03.2022) – more than any other country. 

Reception of such a high number of the refugees (which today roughly equals to 40% of the Danish population) requires enormous effort. It is a whole-of-society and whole-of-government effort. We witness an enormous mobilization of the Polish society. Thousands of citizens, businesses, NGOs, the Catholic Church - have offered shelter to their Ukrainian neighbors.

Along with the ad hoc assistance, Polish state implemented systemic solutions. The “Act on assistance to citizens of Ukraine” entered into force on March 12. It provides the legal framework for our actions. The law opens the Polish labor market to Ukrainian citizens who took refuge in Poland because of Russian aggression. It provides for the financing of a transitional two-month period of support for people who have accepted Ukrainian citizens into their homes. It regulates the legal stay of Ukrainian citizens in Poland and introduces an assistance fund for refugees from Ukraine of over 7 billion PLN (roughly 11 billion DKK). A significant part of this amount will go to local governments. 
Polish institutions and services secure the welfare of refugees, taking into account the specific needs of people arriving, including women and children, people requiring special assistance (the elderly, the sick) and help them find a safe shelter. 

Poland actively cooperates with its international partners specializing in humanitarian aid such as the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as the UN entities: the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and World Food Programme. We are in dialogue with the Danish organisations, like the Danish Refugee Council which is present in Poland and Ukraine. We are open to the expansion of further presence of international partners specializing in wide scope of humanitarian aid. Even before the armed conflict started, both central and local authorities had launched extensive preparations for the possible influx of refugees. 

The Governmental Agency for Strategic Reserves transferred a total of 11,458 tons of aid products to Ukraine and to Ukrainian citizens in Poland (as of March 22, 2022). We launched the governmental website, thanks to which we can coordinate humanitarian aid. It is a tool for people in need of help as well as organizations and people interested in helping the Ukrainians.          

Poland – both the state, the local authorities and the society - stands in full solidarity with the invaded Ukraine. Russia is the sole actor responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine as well as for the fear, suffering and tears of millions of innocent and defenseless people. 

Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Copenhagen


Vi har med beklagelse konstateret, at de udtalelser fra Amnesty International, som Politiken citerede den 22. marts, giver grundlæggende en forkert fremstilling af fakta. I betragtning af udfordringens omfang kan der forekomme isolerede hændelser eller fejlstyring, men at blæse dem ud af proportioner forvrænger det store billede af, hvad vi er vidner til i Polen. De polske myndigheder og tjenester træffer alle mulige foranstaltninger for at sikre de nødlidendes sikkerhed og deres korrekte behandling.

Fra dag ét indførte regeringen foranstaltninger til at lette modtagelse af flygtninge: en forenklet procedure for flygtninge, der tillader personer uden rejsedokumenter at krydse grænsen, fritagelse for alle COVID-19-restriktioner og karantæne, oprettelse af modtagelses- og informationsfaciliteter, yde lægehjælp og ly. Alle de mennesker, der flygtede fra Ukraine, uanset deres nationalitet eller oprindelsesland, fik lov til at komme ind på Polens territorium. Ud af 3,5 millioner mennesker, der flygtede fra Ukraine, tog Polen imod 2,174 millioner (pr. 23.03.2022) – mere end noget andet land.

Modtagelse af et så stort antal af flygtningene (som i dag svarer til ca. 40 % af den danske befolkning) kræver en enorm indsats. Det er en indsats for hele samfundet og hele regeringen. Vi er vidner til en enorm mobilisering af det polske samfund. Tusindvis af borgere, virksomheder, NGO'er, den katolske kirke - har tilbudt husly til deres ukrainske naboer.

Sammen med ad hoc-bistanden implementerede den polske stat systemiske løsninger. "Lov om hjælp til ukrainske borgere" trådte i kraft den 12. marts. Den danner de juridiske rammer for vores handlinger. Loven åbner det polske arbejdsmarked for ukrainske borgere, der søger tilflugt i Polen på grund af russisk aggression. Den giver mulighed for finansiering i en overgangsperiode på to måneder af støtte til personer, der har givet ukrainske statsborgere ly i deres eget hjem. Den regulerer ukrainske statsborgeres lovlige ophold i Polen og indfører en hjælpefond for flygtninge fra Ukraine på over 7 milliarder PLN (ca. 11 milliarder danske kr.). En væsentlig del af dette beløb vil gå til lokale myndigheder.

Polske institutioner og tjenester sikrer flygtningenes velfærd, under hensyntagen til de specifikke behov hos de mennesker, der ankommer, herunder kvinder og børn, personer med behov for særlig hjælp (ældre, syge) og hjælper dem med at finde et sikkert husly.

Polen samarbejder aktivt med sine internationale partnere med speciale i humanitær bistand såsom Den Internationale Røde Kors Komité (ICRC) samt FN-organisationer: Den Internationale Organisation for Migration (IOM), FNs Højkommissariat for Flygtninge og Verdensfødevareprogrammet. Vi er i dialog med danske organisationer, som Dansk Flygtningehjælp, der er til stede i Polen og Ukraine. Vi er åbne over for en udvidelse af fremtidig tilstedeværelse af internationale partnere, der har specialiseret sig i en bred vifte af humanitær bistand. Allerede før den væbnede konflikt startede, havde både centrale og lokale myndigheder iværksat omfattende forberedelser til en mulig flygtningestrøm.

Det statslige agentur for strategiske reserver overførte i alt 11.458 tons hjælpeprodukter til Ukraine og til ukrainske borgere i Polen (pr. 22. marts 2022). Vi lancerede den statslige hjemmeside, (”jeghjælperukraine.”), som hjælper os med at koordinere humanitær bistand. Det er et værktøj for mennesker med behov for hjælp samt for organisationer og personer, der er interesserede i at hjælpe ukrainerne.

Polen – både staten, de lokale myndigheder og samfundet – er fuldkommen solidarisk med det invaderede Ukraine. Rusland er den eneste aktør, der er ansvarlig for såvel den humanitære krise i Ukraine som for frygt, lidelse og tårer hos millioner af uskyldige og forsvarsløse mennesker.

Den Polske Republiks Ambassade i København


Photo: The Polish Border Guard
