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Webinar on management of water resources


Climate change impact on water resources, challenges of Poland, Denmark, Portugal and Hungary in managing water resources, as well as investments under the New Green Deal and national reconstruction plans in the water sector were the topics of a webinar organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Copenhagen and the Embassy of Portugal on 22 March 2021.


Chargé d'affaires a.i. Mateusz Mońko pointed out in his welcome remarks that sustainable management of water resources is a priority that connects the Portuguese presidency of the EU Council and the Polish presidency of the Visegrad Group, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.

The Polish water management strategy and activities undertaken in this area were presented by Małgorzata Bogucka-Szymalska, deputy director of the Water Management Department of the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure, and Wojciech Skowyrski, Director of the Department of Preparation and Implementation of Polish Waters Investments.

Kamil Wyszkowski, General Director of the UN Global Compact in Poland, drew attention to the impact of climate change on water resources, the quality of life, and challenges for the international community.

Mads Helleberg Dorff (MD), director of the Water Department of the Danish Confederation of Industry and Jóannes Jørgen Gaard from the Danish Ministry of the Environment presented the Danish water management strategy and solutions used by Danish companies.

The chairman of the Portuguese Water Partnership, José Saldanha Matos, highlighted the need to use the Green New Deal and the Reconstruction Fund to increase investments in the water sector.

Balázs Heincz, Director of the Water Diplomacy Department of the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, drew attention to the dynamic development of the water resources management sector in Hungary and the strong emphasis of the Hungarian Ministry on the promotion of the domestic sector abroad.

Stéphane Isoard, Director of the Water Group of the European Environment Agency, presented the EU's activities under the New Green Deal and emphasized the positive and complementary role in managing water resources played by regional cooperation formats in the EU, such as the Visegrad Group.

Nearly 70 participants from public administration, the diplomatic corps and the private sector took part in the event. The discussion was moderated by Martin Breum.
