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Celebration of Polish Heritage Days in Estonia



The celebration of the Polish Heritage Days in Estonia began with a concert of young artists Alicja Pustuła (Poland, violin) and Olga Kulikova (Estonia, organ) in the cathedral st. Apostles Peter and Paul in Tallinn on April 27. The program included works by Penderecki, Bacewicz and Szymanowski. The event and the entire celebration were inaugurated by Ambassador Grzegorz Kozłowski with a speech devoted to the Polish heritage in Estonia, including the history of the Catholic parish in Tallinn, which is strongly connected with Poles.

Another element of the celebrations was a block of three events in Tartu on May 2, including firstly the ceremonial raising of the Polish flag in front of the town hall in Tartu, to the sounds of a carillon playing M. K. Ogiński's mazurka, secondly laying flowers at the plaque dedicated to King Stefan Batory, by whose decision Tartu was awarded the white and red flag and a Jesuit college was founded which later became the University of Dorpat (now the University of Tartu), and finally a concert of Fryderyk Chopin's music performed by Ingmar Poll and Kai Ratassepp, which was preceded by presentations devoted to the 440th anniversary of the founding of the Jesuit College in Tartu, the history of granting Tartu the white and red flag by King Stefan Batory and 90th anniversary of establishing a Polish language course at the University of Tartu. The above-mentioned ceremonies were led by the Consul of the Republic of Poland, Anna Pełka. Representatives of the Polish community, city authorities, including the mayor of Tartu Urmas Klaas, students of the University of Tartu and residents of the city took part in this events.

The key event of the Days of Polish Heritage - a ceremonial reception on the occasion of the National Constitution Day on May 3rd was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in the historic House of the Blackheads in Tallinn. Ambassador Grzegorz Kozłowski, in his speech on this event, emphasized, among others, the ideas and values ​​of the Constitution of May 3, including in particular its message regarding freedom and solidarity relating to the nations covered by the borders of the First Republic of Poland, which are of particular importance in the current reality. At the same time, he emphasized the importance of further support for Ukraine, as well as Poland's comprehensive activities in this field launched immediately after February 24, 2022, including, among others, assistance to Ukrainian refugees, humanitarian and military assistance, organization of an aid hub for Ukraine, involvement in international efforts aimed at further strengthening comprehensive support for Ukraine, as well as isolating Russia and Belarus. At the same time, he drew attention to Poland's close cooperation with Estonia, which has been further strengthened, especially in the sphere of security, support for Ukraine and activities isolating Russia. Ambassador also emphasized the issue of Polish Heritage Days and Polish heritage in Estonia, including those cherished by the Estonian Polonia.

The anthems of Poland and Estonia, preceding the speech, were played by one of the winners of the 15th International Chopin Piano Competition in Narva, Ingmar Poll (in this year's competition in Narva, he was awarded second place in the second age group, and in the Estonian Young Talents competition, he collected all possible prizes), who also, after the speech, played Fryderyk Chopin's Polonaise in D minor op.71 No. 1.

The ceremony was attended by ministers, members of the Riigikogu, representatives of the Estonian elite, diplomatic corps, business, local Roman-Catholic clergy and the Polish community, including , the president of the Union of Poles in Estonia, Ms Halina Kisłacz.

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