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Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński on Three Seas Initiative and cyber security during Tallinn Digital Summit


On 6 – 7 September, Undersecretary of State at Polish MFA and Government Plenipotentiary for the Three Seas Initiative Paweł Jabłoński attended the Tallinn Digital Summit, the annual digital summit held in the capital of Estonia.

Minister Paweł Jabłoński na Szczycie Cyfrowym

During the event, he took part in the debate on building infrastructural connectivity through the Three Seas Initiative and their digital security.

In his speech, the MFA deputy head underlined the key role of regional cooperation in digitalisation, and noted that the ability to absorb and create new technologies in this area will determine the Central and Eastern Europe’s position in the global economy. The deputy minister focused on the need for better coordination and more effective implementation of joint international projects in this field. As the example of the said coordination, he gave the very dynamically developing cooperation in digitalisation through the Three Seas Initiative.

Deputy Minister Jabłoński highlighted the need to take joint actions in the area of cybersecurity:

“This issue goes beyond the purely digital area, as it affects other branches of the economy as well, specifically the transport and energy infrastructure which implements smart solutions more and more often. Therefore, it is the cyber security that should become one of key priorities of the EU’s and transatlantic cooperation, as it had already been the case under the Three Seas Initiative,” said Minister Jabłoński.

The MFA deputy head added that the digital security should be based as much as possible on solutions provided by companies from the Three Seas region, the expertise of which equals the most advanced global technologies. I this context, he also pointed out the opportunities provided by new digital platforms.

„Many digital solutions are being devised in the Three Seas region that match the world standards. Some of them open outstanding cooperation opportunities for a vast number of suppliers from many countries, and – besides positively affecting our security – may serve as cornerstones of many successful business ventures,” noted Deputy Minister Jabłoński.

The undersecretary of state emphasized that digital technologies and cybersecurity are also a perfect area to strengthen transatlantic relations. He expressed his belief that this area can become the second important platform of the US engagement in the Three Seas Initiative, besides the energy security.


Launched in 2015 by the presidents of Poland and Croatia, the Three Seas Initiative aims at strengthening the unity of the EU and the Euro-Atlantic area. The Initiative is composed of twelve Central and South-Eastern European countries, which focus on developing infrastructure links in transport, energy and digitalisation in order to unlock the potential of our region.

Tallinn Digital Summit has been held annually since 2017 to host meetings and debates on the opportunities and challenges for the economy, public administrations and societies brought by digital transformation.


MFA Press Office
