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Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński visited Estonia


The participation of Deputy Foreign Minister Paweł Jabłoński in “Invest in Three Seas” forum in Tallinn was an opportunity to showcase the economic potential of Central and Eastern Europe and the Three Seas Investment Fund, an important instrument for financing infrastructure projects across the region. Hosted by the Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia, the meeting was attended by the initiative members’ government coordinators. The main target audience was business communities in the Baltic States and Poland.

minister Jabłoński i minister Liimets

During his visit to Tallinn, Deputy Minister Jabłoński also held bilateral consultations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss key issues in bilateral political and economic cooperation, as well as regional matters and the topical EU agenda items. In their talks, the deputy chief of Polish diplomacy and representatives of the Estonian MFA and the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia also dealt with issues related to the development of the Three Seas initiative and the prospects for Polish-Estonian economic cooperation, particularly in infrastructure, energy, and new technologies.

Deputy Minister Paweł Jabłoński also met with Estonian Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets. The meeting provided an opportunity to re-extend an invitation from Foreign Minister Prof. Zbigniew Rau to pay a visit to Warsaw.

Fulfilling the objectives of the Three Seas initiative will allow us to deliver on the commitments under our EU membership in a faster and more efficient manner.  Our actions will particularly support the implementation of the EU’s climate policy and digital agenda. This is why we propose to extend Three Seas cooperation under the three pillars: transport, energy, and digitisation, to hydrogen use and cybersecurity. We also support the “Three Seas Smart Connectivity” vision put forward by Estonia at the Tallinn Three Seas summit last year. It aims to integrate both energy and transport infrastructures through digital platforms, which will be key to strengthening our region’s global competitive edge -  said the deputy chief of Polish diplomacy.

In Tallinn, Deputy Minister Jabłoński also spoke to representatives of the Polish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce about the prospects for developing bilateral economic cooperation, particularly in energy. Set up in October 2020, the Polish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce is made up of 19 entities operating in Poland and Estonia and representing ten economic sectors. Poland is a major trading partner for Estonia, ranking seventh in imports and tenth in exports. Polish exports to Estonia amounted to EUR 1.235 million last year, while imports from Estonia stood at EUR 259 million.

During his two-day visit, Deputy Minister Jabłoński also met representatives of the Office of the President of the Republic of Estonia.

In 2021, Poland and Estonia celebrate the centenary of their diplomatic relations. Deputy Minister Jabłoński was shown the exhibition “Polish-Estonian relations 1918-1939 in the light of Estonian archives” at the premises of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Organised by the Polish Embassy in Tallinn and the National Archives of Estonia, the exhibition had been previously displayed in Tartu and from 5 May 2021 it will be available to visitors to the Royal Łazienki Park in Warsaw.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Press Office
