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The largest mission in the history of Polish telemedicine



The largest mission in the history of Polish telemedicine was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Tallinn and the Ministry of Health on June 13-15 in Estonia. The mission included over 40 representatives of the Ministry of Health, government agencies, research centers, universities and Polish enterprises from the e-health sector.

The main element of the mission program was participation, together with Estonian counterparts, in the Polish-Estonian Innovation Forum in the field of e-health "Innovation In Healthcare Delivery: How Telemedicine Modernizes The Healthcare System?" on June 14-15. The purpose of this event was to exchange experiences between Poland and Estonia on the prospects for the development of the telemedicine sector, to learn about the method of implementing innovative telemedicine technologies to the Polish and Estonian health care systems and the principles of their financing. An important element of the Forum was the exchange of experience on the model of cooperation between the public and private sectors and research centers in Poland and Estonia. The role of medical universities in the development and implementation of telemedicine technologies was also discussed. During the Forum, Polish companies presented their products and telemedicine services to the Estonian side. In total, over 100 participants from Poland and Estonia took part in this event.

Members of the Polish telemedicine mission held also additional meetings in: 1) the Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, where they met with Deputy Minister Nele Labi and got acquainted with the Estonian government's strategy in the field of telemedicine services, 2) in the Tehnopol Technology Park with representatives of Estonian companies and research centers in e-health, and 3) in one of the hospitals in Tallinn, where they got acquainted with practical solutions in the field of telemedicine in Estonia.

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