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Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021


General information

The Norwegian Financial Mechanism (the so-called Norwegian Funds) is a non-repayable form of foreign aid granted by Norway to the new EU Member States since 2004. In exchange for financial aid, Norway can benefit from access to the EU internal market, even though it is not a member of the EU. The currently implemented edition (2014-2021) of the Norwegian Funds is the third in a row.

The main objective of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 is to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities within the European Economic Area and to strengthen bilateral relations between Norway and the Beneficiary States

The basis for the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in Poland is the Memorandum of Understanding signed on 20 December 2017 between the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Poland on the implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

The total allocation for Poland is EUR 809.3 million. The Ministry of the Interior and Administration in cooperation with the Center for European Projects of the Ministry of Interior and Administration ( is the Operator of the Internal Affairs Programme, the implementation of which is allocated EUR 20 million.

On September 12, 2019, the Agreement on the implementation of the Program was signed by the Minister of Investment and Development, Jerzy Kwieciński and Olav Myklebust, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Poland.

Program areas                                                                                

Within the Home Affairs programme, three program areas are specified:

  1. PA18: Asylum and Migration;
  2. PA20: International Police Cooperation and Fighting Crime;
  3. PA23: Disaster prevention and preparedness.

Recipients of support

Entities of the public finance sector, non-governmental organizations and international organizations involved in activities related to the selected program area will be able to participate in the open call procedure.

Predefined projects

Six pre-defined projects with a total value of approx. EUR 13.7 million are being implemented under the "Internal Affairs" Programme.

  • Office for Foreigners– a project named Protect minors, including unaccompanied minor asylum seekers, from abuse;
  • Police Headquarters– a project named Improving the process of gathering, analysis and estimation of evidence in the area of fight against cross-border cybercrime with use of IT labs network of the Polish Police;
  • Police Headquarters – a project named Police and non-police international cooperation in the search for the most dangerous criminals in Europe;
  • Warsaw Metropolitan Police – a project named Documents – Safety and Control, including Tactical ID-control;
  • Border Guard's Centre for Specialised Training in Luban – a project named Strengthening of the EU borders protection through the development of cynological training activities, infrastructure expansion, redevelopment and upgrading;
  • The Internal Security Agency – a project named The Process of Coordination and Standardisation in the Field of CBRNE as an Element of Prevention, Preparedness and Response.

Bilateral Cooperation Fund

DFE as the Operator of the "Internal Affairs" Program under the NMF for 2014-2021 is responsible, among others, for: for spending funds from the Bilateral Cooperation Fund (FWD). Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding, an allocation of EUR 250,000 was allocated to the FWD for the "Home Affairs" Programme. The priority is to take action in the field of road safety. 

FWD funds will be used to finance a bilateral initiative of the National Police Headquarters, implemented in partnership with the Norwegian National Road Policing Service, entitled POL-NOR II Cooperation in the field of road safety - exchange of experience and good practices.

Calls for proposals

The Program Operator also conducted open calls for proposals under two program areas (PA18 and PA20) - one call for proposals for each area. In the area of ​​"International police cooperation and the fight against crime", approximately EUR 4.7 million is available. The call for proposals was settled on August 5, 2020. 8 projects were selected for co-financing. On the other hand, in the area of ​​"Asylum and Migration", approximately EUR 3.2 million is available. The call for proposals was settled on March 18, 2021. 5 projects were selected for co-financing.
