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National Migration Network

Within the European Migration Network, each National Contact Point maintains and develops a National Migration Network  of contacts in the field of migration and asylum which represents all relevant stakeholders (i.e. NGOs, research institutes, public administration institutions etc.). National Network members are informed about EMN activities on a regular basis and support the NCP by supplying information and contributing to selected research and policy activities.

The National Migration Network in Poland, at present, consits of approximately 100 members, including academics, government officials and representatives of non-governmental organizations serving migrant communities.

As part of the cooperation with the members of the National Migration Network, we offer them the possibilty to:

  • promote their publications / disseminate various information (including via our website),
  • receive the Newsletter of the National Migration Network,
  • support us by supplying information and contributing to selected research in the field of migration and asylum,
  • provide access to information on their contact details to national and foreign stakeholders interested in a cooperation, 
  • receive information about the conferences and other migration related events held by the EMN and other institutions.

If you want to become a member of the National Network in Poland, submit contact us via e-mail:

We kindly invite you to cooperate with us!