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Send a general letter service card

Przekierowanie do karty usługi w języku polskimPrzekierowanie do karty usługi w języku angielskim

Do you want to handle an unusual matter on-line? Do you want to submit an application, a complaint or a report? Use the general letter form and send it to the selected authority or public entity.



  • This is a letter, which is used to communicate with the administration on matters that can be handled on-line, and for which there are no dedicated forms.

    You may ask a question, write an explanation, submit a complaint, a request, or an application. Using the general letter, you may supplement an already submitted application or submit to an authority a new document, an invitation to an event or a petition. Complete the letter form on your computer and send it to the selected public entity. After a while, you will receive an electronic official submission confirmation (UPP). This confirmation is as valid, as the receipt confirmation for a regular registered mail, sent by traditional mail.

    You may use a general letter, if:

    • you want to contact us,
    • the regulations allow you to submit an application on-line,
    • there is no dedicated form for your case.

    First check if there is a dedicated form available to handle your case. For example, if you want to access public information, fill and send a dedicated form, which is intended for this specific purpose.

  • Anyone who wants to send a general letter and has an account on the ePUAP platform.

    You will need a trusted profile or a qualified certificate  to confirm your identity. Learn how to create a trusted profile.

    • login details for the login.gov.pl service (this may be an user id with a password for your trusted profile or your e-dowód),
    • digital attachments – if needed.

    1. Prepare the required data. For details, see the What you need to prepare section.
    2. Click the Send a general letter button.
    3. Select the authority or the institution you want to send your letter to.
    4. Fill in the form.
    5. Add the required attachments.
    6. Click Next and then Send unsigned or Sign and send.
    7. A message will show confirming that the letter has been sent. You will receive the Official Submission Confirmation (UPP).
    8. Wait for the response. For details, see the How long will you wait section.
  • To an authority or to another public entity that has an electronic inbox (ESP) on the ePUAP platform. These include, for example: ministries, central offices, communal offices, district offices, tax offices, public schools, sanitary and epidemiological stations (sanepid), social welfare centres, as well as public health care facilities.

    If you do not know whether an institution you want to send you letter to does have the electronic inbox (ESP), check the list of recipients in the general letter form. Enter the full name, not an abbreviation.

  • The service is free of charge.

  • The response time depends on the type of your case or on its complexity.

    You will receive a response:

    • electronically:
      • to "My inbox" at mObywatel.gov.pl. To check your inbox:
        • click the “Login” button in the upper right corner of the page,
        • log in and then enter the code you received in a SMS message,
        • open the side menu on the left, and select “Your inboxes“ tab. This will show the "My inboxes" tab,
    • to the "My inbox" in ePUAP. To check your inbox: 
      • go to ePUAP and log in,
      • click on “My inbox” at the top right, 
    • by regular mail - if you checked the relevant box in the general letter form.
    • If you want to send a document signed by more than one person: 
      • use the "Sign the document electronically” service,
      • add such document as an attachment in the general letter form.
    • You may add more than one attachment, but the total size of all attachments must not exceed 150 MB.
    • You can view all general letters you sent in "My inbox", at mObywatel.gov.pl or ePUAP. For details on how to check "My Inbox" see the How long will you have to wait section.
  • Regulation of the Prime Minister of September 14, 2011 on preparing the delivery of electronic documents and providing forms, templates and copies of electronic documents (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 180)

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 09.05.2024 14:10

Instytucja odpowiedzialna za usługę: Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji
