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10th Edition of the Prof. B. Geremek Lecture Series


On 23rd September 2020, KSAP - Lech Kaczyński National School of Public Administration, will play host to the 10th Edition of the Prof. B. Geremek Lecture Series. This year's lecture on “The balance of the costs and benefits of European integration for the world after the pandemic” will be delivered by Piotr Arak, Director of the Polish Economic Institute.


The event will also include a debate whose participants are to be:

  • Konrad Szymański, Minister for EU Affairs of the Republic of Poland;
  • Anita van den Ende, Director General for European Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign; Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands;
  • Piotr Arak, Director of Polish Economic Institute;
  • Agata Kołodziej, Head of the communications team of the Polish Economic Institute - moderator.

The event is co-organised by the Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Lech Kaczyński National School of Public Administration (KSAP).

The series of Professor Bronisław Geremek Lectures began in 2010 on the initiative of the Polish and Dutch foreign ministers as a tribute to the political and academic activity of Professor Bronisław Geremek and his involvement in the relations between Poland and the Netherlands in the context of the European integration process.

The Lecture is held annually, alternately in Poland and the Netherlands, and covers broadly understood European topics. The speakers are eminent representatives of the world of politics, diplomacy, media, academia and science. This year, on its 10th edition, the Professor Bronisław Geremek Lecture is dedicated to the economic dimension of the European integration.

Watch the debate on YouTube channels of KSAP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.




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