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Traditional dishes of Polish Easter


Easter is all about celebration with family and friends gatherings but it is also about food and delicacies full of symbolic meaning. Of course the eggs star in the Easter table. In Poland the celebrations start on Saturday by preparing Easter baskets, called “Święconka”.

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This basket includes decorated eggs, some bread and sausage, babka (bunt cake), salt and pepper, ham, a lamb made of sugar - symbolizing the Resurrection and celebration of life. The basket is taken to church for a blessing and brought back home. The real temptation lies in not eating all of it on the way home. Whatever makes it home, will be shared at the beginning of the Easter Sunday breakfast.

One of the most important dishes on the Easter table is żurek - a sour rye soup with white sausage, horseradish and eggs. Of course as in any celebration Polish Easter tables are full of various foods and sweets. Traditional dishes include: a variety of hard boiled stuffed eggs, Polish vegetable salad, pork aspic, chicken gelatin, śledź (herring), pate and of course lots of cakes, especially mazurek, a sponge cake decorated with icing and dried fruit, Polish cheesecake and much more.
If you wish to learn more about the traditional dishes of Polish Easter please visit 


traditional dishes