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Interview of Prime Minister M. Morawiecki for the Hungarian "Magyar Hirlap"

In an interview for a Hungarian newspaper the Prime Minister M. Morawiecki spoke about the priorities of the Polish presidency in the Visegrad Group, the situation in Poland after the presidential election and the importance of Polish-Hungarian cooperation.


What are the most important goals that the Polish Presidency of the Visegrad Group would like to achieve? In which areas should the common position be even more harmonized?
The Polish presidency of the V4 falls on an extraordinary period - not only the recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, but also important EU processes, such as the negotiations over the new multiannual financial framework and the reconstruction fund, which were completed a few days ago. In short, it will be the year that will decide what the entire next decade will look like for our countries, but also for the whole of Europe. The slogan of our presidency is "Back on track", because we want to return to the tracks of dynamic economic development and we want to have a positive impact on the Union - to return to the basic European values, such as economic cooperation, single market, solidarity, but also understanding the differences resulting from historical and social conditions of various European countries. Next year, we are celebrating 30 years of the Visegrad Group - it will be a time of joint summaries of what has been achieved during that time, but also of scheduling joint projects for the future.

