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Polish animation film "The Peasants" at the Festival Animasyros 2024


"The Peasants", the Polish animation film, directed by Dorota Kobiela (DK Welchman) and Hugh Welchman, based on the literary masterpiece of Władysław Raymond, will be screened during the International Animation Festival Animasyros 2024, 23-29.09.2024.

The Peasants poster

At this year's 17th edition of the Animasyros International Animated Film Festival, which will take place on September 23-29, on the island of Syros, the Greek public will have the opportunity to watch the screen adaptation of "The Peasants". The film made using the technique of painted animation, maintaining the aesthetics of Polish painters of the 19th and 20th centuries that received  enthusiastic reviews at the most important international festivals, will be presented to the Greek audience, in Syros, on September 26th.

The Polish guest of the festival Michał Janicki - head of the group of painters and animators working on "The Peasants", will take part in a Q&A session before the screening of the film and in the planned meetings for the public with creators and producers as part of the special festival section "AGORA".

This year, once again, Polish animated short films will be presented during the festival and will compete in the competition categories:

International Student Competition Section

“Fishbone of time”, dir. Zuzanna Szor

#ThisIsEU – European Values ​​Competition Section

“Asiunia”, dir. Tomek Ducki

Panorama – Competition Section

“Asiunia”, dir. Tomek Ducki

“Magda”, dir. Adela Kaczmarek

Festival programme:

The screenings of Polish films are supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Athens.

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