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Polish language course in Thessaloniki


The ceremonial signing of the Letter of Intent regarding the establishment of a Polish language course at Aristotle University took place on 8 November in Thessaloniki. The signatories of the Letter are: from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań - Rector prof. Andrzej Lesicki, from the side of Aristotle University - Rector prof. Nikolaos Papaioannou, and on the part of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Athens - Chargé d’Affaires a.i. Tomasz Wiśniewski.

The ceremonial signing of the Letter of Intent regarding the establishment of a Polish language course at Aristotle University

The signing of the Letter of Intent was an important element of a circle of promotional events “Polish Days in Thessaloniki”, organized by the Polish Embassy in cooperation with Polish and local partners. On this occasion, Dr. Monika Maciejewska, a lector from the Adam Mickiewicz University conducted demonstrative Polish lessons, which were very popular among participants. The Polish language course will start at the Aristotle University in the academic year 2020-2021.

The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki already cooperates with Polish universities, including the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, in a frame of various initiatives and projects. The potential for cooperation is still huge, especially in the fields of biology, chemistry, history and humanities.

The establishment of the Polish Archaeological Institute in Athens and the current cooperation of both universities in archaeological research in the Central Macedonia region is another area for the implementation of joint projects.

Currently, both universities and 6 other entities from France, Germany and Austria are implementing an EU project to establish a network of European Universities – EPICUR (European Partnership for an Innovative Campus Unifying Regions). The day before, the rectors of the involved universities signed a consortium agreement in Brussels. The overriding goal of the European University concept is a qualitative leap in the university research and implementation of the obtained results thanks to closer cooperation with the economic environment.
