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Konzularni odjel - pravila za primanje stranaka


Ljubazno obavještavamo da se od 08.06.2020. g. Konzularni odjel Veleposlanstva Republike Poljske u Zagrebu vraća redovnom načinu radu i primanja stranaka.

korona 1
  1. Za sastanak u Konzularnom odjelu potrebno je prethodno najaviti dolazak u sustavu e-konsulat, putem elektroničke pošte ili telefonom. Stranke koje se nisu prethodno najavile neće biti primljene.
  2. Stranke su dužne doći u dogovoreno vrijeme – u slučaju nepoštivanja dogovorenog termina, stranka neće biti primljena.
  3. Stranke moraju obavezno nositi zaštitnu masku koja pokriva usta i nos, kao i rukavice. Osobe bez maski neće moći ući u prostorije konzulata.
  4. Stranke se prihvaćaju pojedinačno – bez pratnje (osim u iznimnim situacijama - npr. maloljetne osobe, u slučaju nužne prisutnosti prevoditelja itd.)
  5. Nakon ulaska u glavnu čekaonicu, stranke su dužne dezinficirati ruke.
  6. U čekaonici sa šalterima mogu istovremeno boraviti maksimalno tri osobe.
  7. Držite sigurnu udaljenost od 2 metra između Vas i drugih stranaka unutar prostorija Veleposlanstva.


Rules for the reception of clients:

  1. For a meeting in the Consular Section, it is necessary to announce your arrival via e-konsulat appointment system, by e-mail or by phone. Clients who have not previously announced their arrival will not be accepted.
  2. Clients are required to arrive at the scheduled time. In case they fail to respect the appointment time, they will not be accepted.
  3. Clients are required to wear a protective mask covering their mouths and nose, as well as gloves. Persons without masks will not be able to enter the consulate.
  4. Clients are to be accepted individually – without accompanying persons (except for exceptional situations – e.g. minors, in the case of the necessary presence of an interpreter, etc.)
  5. Clients are required to disinfect their hands upon entering the main waiting room.
  6. A maximum of three people can stay in the waiting room with reception windows at the same time.
  7. Maintain a 2-meter distance between yourself and other clients within the premises of the Embassy.