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Information for IGF 2021 participants in connection with COVID-19

Statement from the Host Country on the IGF2021 physical meeting in Katowice (30.11.2021).

In light of the recent spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant and yesterday’s announcement of Polish health authorities, the Host Country confirms that it goes ahead with the physical meeting as planned as it has taken all necessary precautions to make the event safe for those who meet criteria previously laid out:

All participants who are holding personal written confirmation of participation in IGF 2021 will be allowed entry to Poland without quarantine.

Please contact for further information if needed.

We are looking forward to welcoming you all in Katowice.



IMPORTANT: In order to allow the entry to Poland without being subject to quarantine, all participants already approved  for the IGF 2021 will receive a personal written confirmation letter in Polish and in English, signed by the Host Country representative. This confirmation is sent as an attachment to the separate e-mail
to participants from the UN registration system INDICO. For new approvals the letter will come attached
to the regular approval e-mail. Please bear a hard copy of the confirmation with you while traveling to Poland (it will need to be presented to the Polish border control authorities). In addition, you need to fulfil the entry conditions deriving from the Schengen Borders Code. Participants are also kindly requested to monitor the current situation in transit countries and on airlines' websites regarding specific COVID-19 requirements. Travellers who wish to enter the Schengen area with non-EU approved vaccines or not vaccinated at all
are kindly advised to perform a test (rapid antigen or PCR) that will be valid for 48 hours.  

For additional questions regarding this confirmation, please contact the following address


Due to the regulations in force in Poland regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, participation in the IGF 2021
is open to participants who (to the best of their knowledge):

  • are not infected with COVID-19;
  • do not have any symptoms of COVID-19, such as shortness of breath, elevated body temperature
    (i.e. above 37.5 degrees Celsius) and cold symptoms;
  • are not in quarantine or under epidemiological supervision;
  • have not had direct contact with an infected person in the last 10 days before the event.


Admission to the IGF 2021 venue in Katowice will be possible under one of the following conditions:

  • the participant will present a certificate of vaccination, preferably in English, against COVID-19 with
    a vaccine authorized in the European Union (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna Biotech Spain, AstraZeneca Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen) or a vaccine equivalent to vaccines authorized in the territory of the Republic of Poland and recognized in Poland[1] at least 14 days from the end of the vaccination course (two doses for two-dose vaccines);
  • the participant has been in recovery status from COVID-19 in the last 6 months and has a relevant certificate;
  • the participant presents a certificate of a negative COVID-19 test result (PCR or rapid antigen), based
    on a test performed no later than 48 hours before the date of entry to the IGF venue.

For participants who do not meet the above requirements, rapid antigen (valid 48 hours) or PCR (valid
48 hours) tests can be performed for a fee at the stand located in front of the entrance to the IGF venue[2].

At the venue of ​​the IGF, please observe the following rules:

  • hand disinfection at the entrance to the IGF venue;
  • obligatory covering of the mouth and nose in the ICC premises, as well as in the external queue waiting to enter the venue;
  • maintaining a social distance of at least 1.5 meters.

[1] List of COVID-19 vaccine equivalents recognized by Poland is available on the website of the National Institute of Public Health – National Research Institute:

[2] In case of a positive test result, attendee will not be allowed to enter the ICC premises and will cover any costs of extending the stay, hospitalization, medications and other costs related to a positive COVID-19 test result, individually or within the participant’s insurance.



  • If you cross the border of Poland by plane, fill in the Passenger Locator Form either before traveling or during the trip or prior to check-in:
  • Its purpose is to ensure your own safety as well as the safety of your family and everyone you come into contact with. If there is an infected person on board, the form enables you and other passengers to be contacted quickly and thus help reduce further virus spread.
  • NOTE! It is obligatory to fill in the form when crossing the borders of Poland.


EU digital COVID certificate:

  • The EU digital COVID certificate is issued by the Ministry of Health (in electronic or paper form) 
  • Poland is taking part in the EU process of implementing the EU Covid Certificate system. 
  • The EU digital Covid Certificate is intended to facilitate free travel for EU citizens (and EU residents) during a pandemic.

More details about the EU COVID Certificate.

List of vaccines authorised in the EU:  

  • Pfizer/BioNTech, 
  • Moderna Biotech Spain, 
  • AstraZeneca 
  • Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen.

COVID restrictions in Poland: 

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a mask only in public spaces, including public transport.  Exemption from the obligation to cover the mouth and nose is limited only to persons who have a medical certificate on them.
  • It is mandatory that a distance of least 1.5 meters be maintained.
  • Gastronomy and hotel restaurants operate under a strict sanitary regime at no more than 75% occupancy. 
  • Public transport vehicles may be boarded by a limited number of persons.

More current information can be found on the website.