IGF 2021 Programme Committee – Let the youth speak!
The IGF 2021 will start in Katowice in just 300 days. Preparation is in progress. Another meeting of the Programme Committee is behind us.
Note this date: 6–10 December 2021. It is then that Poland will become the world centre for discussions on the future of the Internet. We expect several thousand visitors from all over the world.
Important contribution
We want this edition of Internet Governance Forum to be an important event for young people from all over the world who are largely creating the global Internet environment. Therefore, one of the events accompanying the digital summit IGF 2021 will be the Youth IGF. It was this event, in particular, that of the last meeting of the IGF 2021 Program Committee focused on.
“As Youth IGF Poland we operate on several areas at the same time. We have started close cooperation with Youth Observatory, which brings together young people from all over the world. We use it to share experiences inspired by the slogan Internet is for Everyone. Our co-operators in Poland include the Council of Dialogue with the Young Generation, with which we are also sharing opinions,” said Emilia Zalewska, member of the Youth IGF Poland Steering Committee.
Members of YIGF Poland, together with the Council of Dialogue with the Young Generation, joined the organisation efforts of the IGF 2021 in Poland.
“Each youth organisation in a given country chooses a theme for itself. After several discussions and meetings, we have chosen the slogan ‘Green Internet’,” said Marta Musidłowska from IGF Poland. “We believe that Internet can support sustainable development and environmental protection, for example through the algorithmisation of life – within the future effective use of the Internet of Things, 5G and Artificial Intelligence,” she added.
Julian Żelaznowski, a representative of the Council of Dialogue with the Young Generation acting within the Public Benefit Committee, proposed to organise, together with YIGF Poland, debates on several topics including the freedom of speech in the Internet, digital infrastructure or digital competences, among others.
“We also plan to make up a manifesto on the ethics of the Internet and the ethics of Artificial Intelligence. Such a document could be preceded by a global discussion,” he added.
See you in Poland
Members of the Program Committee of the IGF 2021 meet every first Wednesday of the month. Works of the Committee include representatives of public authorities, NGOs, as well as scientific and legal communities dealing with the digital issues on a daily basis.
We will meet between 6 and 10 December 2021 in the International Congress Centre in Katowice. Participation in the Summit is free of charge. It is a multilateral forum where representatives of administration, business, science, NGOs and ordinary users can exchange observations and shape the development of digital networks and technologies.