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Handover of the Polish humanitarian aid for the Government of Iraq (1st batch)


On June 08, 2021. On behalf of H.E. Mr. Marcin Kubiak, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland in Baghdad, Col. Marcin Chruslinski, Polish Defense Attache accompanied by Col. Michal Kuraczyk, Commander of Polish Contingent in Iraq participated at Baghdad International Airport in handover operation of the Polish humanitarian aid for the Government of Iraq on account of COVID-19 pandemic.

Polish Aid handover in Baghdad 20210608

The relevant GOI authorities were represented by Dr. Adnan Jabbar Neama – Deputy Director of Storage and Distribution Affairs Department of the Ministry of Health and Environment of the Republic of Iraq. As part of the relief efforts, Poland airlifted ffp2-ffp3 masks, facemasks, medical gloves, medical coveralls and disposable medical bedding which were forwarded by the NATO Pandemic Response Trust Fund (PRTF).

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