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INNOGLOBO – the new NCBR funding programme concentrated on global R&D ideas


The National Centre for Research and Development has been successfully creating and implementing bilateral and multilateral international research and development initiatives for years. In most cases, a Polish research entity or R&D performing company interested in the NCBR funding within the framework of international cooperation is required to follow strict requirements in order to have a chance to implement international project. It is sometimes linked with a modification of the original project idea. Therefore, thinking of an easier way of applying, NCBR has identified a niche in its offer and launched a programme responding to this demand.


The first call of the INNOGLOBO programme was launched on 1 July 2021 and the application deadline is 30 November 2021. Under this programme, it will be possible to start financing projects carried out by international consortia, in which Polish entities have no restrictions in selecting partners from abroad. Foreign partners can come from all countries with which Poland maintains diplomatic ties, except for those countries with which NCBR regularly launches bilateral calls for R&D projects, i.e. China, Israel, Luxembourg, Germany and Turkey.

INNOGLOBO programme will also enable financing of projects related to various thematic areas, including uncommon subjects, as the only requirement for applications submitted in the call is the thematic scope of the project shall fit into the current list of National Smart Specialization (link: A new list of 15 national smart specialisations - SMART).

Each foreign partner of the international consortia has to declare sufficient funds for the implementation of its part of the project. Sources of this contribution could be foreign partner's own funds, external funds such as bank credit, loan or co-financing from a foreign R&D financing unit.

In the long term, NCBR considers a permanent extension of the international offer by opening next calls for proposals under INNOGLOBO programme, as well as establishing promising international cooperation between NCBR and new countries. If you are interested in more details of this programme, please visit the NCBR website.
