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Polish Medical Mission's current activities


Małgorzata Olasińska-Chart, head of the PMM's Humanitarian Aid Program has visited the Kurdistan Region. She has conducted a monitoring mission, supervising the ongoing project ""Medical & dental assistance for refugees, IDPs and host community in Erbil Governorate and al-Hamdaniya District" and planning future actions.


Having checked the ongoing work in 3 camps (Baharka, Qushtapa & Darashakran) Mrs. Olasińska-Chart met with Vice-consul Stanisław Guliński to summarize her impresions and exchange views on the perspectives of PMM's humanitarian action in Kurdistan Region and Hamdaniya District.  

According to Mrs. Olasińska-Chart's report, the mobile clinic works 5 days a week in Baharka Camp, while the dental units operate with the same intensity in Baharka, Qushtapa and Darashakran camps. Also, the medical personnel of a dispensary in al-Hamdaniya fulfils its duties without hindrance. 

Mrs. Olasińska-Chart expressed her optimism regarding increasing rate of adults & children getting vaccination, due to the promotional campaign by PMM as well as a new residence card policy by the camp authorities. During her sojourn in the Baharka Camp the medics discovered a scabies epidemic among the camp's children. Doctors coordinated with the camp's school directors organisation of hygiene-themed lessons while a mobilizers' team sanitized school items & rooms and provided disinfectants.    

Only in April 2022 a total of 654 people showe up in the clinic (63% of them being women, 27% - men). On average 620-720 people visit the clinic monthly. Changing weather, particularly consecutive sand storms made children suffer from respiratory problems. Thera are also ca. 25 patients daily per dental unit. Laboratory of the mobile clinic in Baharka conducts monthly ca. 250 tests.   

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