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Polish researchers of ALCITfem project visiting Kurdistan Region


Dobrosława Wiktor-Mach (Cracow University of Economics) & Marcin Skupiński (Warsaw University) have visited the Kurdistan Region in scope of the ALCITfem Project (Activism And Its Moral and Cultural Foundation: Alternative Citizenship and Women’s Roles in Kurdistan and the Diaspora).

Dargala school1

ALCITfem is an interdisciplinary research programme that is rooted in literary studies, cultural anthropology, gender studies and sociology. Methodologically and theoretically, the project combines and connects Humanities with Social Sciences through the cooperation of the following institutes: the Section of Kurdish Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies (Faculty of Philology) of the Jagiellonian University (JU, Kraków), the Centre for Gender Research (STK, Senter for Tverrfaglig Kjonnsforskning) at the University of Oslo (UiO), the Centre for the Advanced Study of Population and Religion (CASPAR) at Cracow University of Economics (CUE), the Fafo, Institute of Labour and Social Research in Oslo and the Asia and Pacific Museum (Warsaw). The project is funded in the scope of the Grieg program of the National Science Centre of Poland from the Norway Grants.  

In Rawanduz the Polish researchers met with local Kurdish Enlightened Organisation headed by Delband Rawanduzi. Later a school in Dargala village was visited where KEO runs an environmental awareness course for pupils. Similar courses are conducted in several neighboring villages. Nature-protection related graffiti was simultaneously executed on the school wall. 

Vice-consul Stanisław Guliński accompanied the researchers in their trip to Rawanduz and Dargala.    
