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School items delivery for the Juveen Orphanage


On 18 Nov, Thursday, Consul of The Republic of Poland, Dominik Musiał, paid a visit to Juveen Orpahanage in Sharya/ Duhok Governorate & took part in a ceremonial delivery of educational items for the children & youth. The project has been financed by Polish Aid programme.

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The Juveen Orphanage has been established in July 2019 by a late Yezidi businessman & philantropist Basheer Koreih, in reaction to tragic fate of ca. 2700 orphans left by parents, killed & abducted at the hands of ISIS. The orphanage offers boarding & education for ca. 30 kids (5-14 y.o.) and various other forms of support for 300 more children & youths (till the age of 17). Currently the orphanage is run by a Yezidi activist and journalist Kawa Eido Khattari. The institution’s activity includes: accomodation for the core group, health and psychologival care as well as education and social integration oriented training.

Like in the nearby Hatara, also implementation the Sharya/ Juveen project has been possible thanks to our cooperation with Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA), already active in Juveen since 2020. The project includes covering costs of a 3-month educational instruction as well as purchase of selected educational items.   

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