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Visit of Ambassador Marcin Kubiak to Erbil


Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Iraq Marcin Kubiak visited the capitol of Iraqi Kudistan Erbil.


The Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the Republic of Iraq Marcin Kubiak and the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Erbil Dominik Musiał met with the Chief of the Department of Foreign Relations of the KRG Safeen Dizayee, the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Begard Talabani and the representatives of the KDP Bureau of Foreign Relations.

The meeting with Safeen Dizayee revolved around the current political situation in Iraqi Kurdistan as well as in federal Iraq and the region. The interlocutors discussed the chances of potential trade and security exchange. The DFR Chief has also shared his take on the forecasts regarding the upcoming parliamentary election in Iraq (October 2021).

During the meeting with the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources the delegation discussed the prospects for cooperation on agro-food production investments in Kurdistan region but also of exports of specific goods within this particular trade segment. Ambassador Kubiak presented the wide scope of capabilities of the Polish economy within the area of focus to Minister Talabani. The Minister on her part expressed the interest in another visit to the Republic of Poland – the first one took place in January 2020.

The meeting with the representatives of the Bureau of Foreign Relations of the Kurdistan Democratic Party was dedicated mainly to the talks about potential outcomes of the upcoming elections and scenarios for the security environment in the region in regard of the heated relation between USA and Iran.


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