Announcement of guest professorship opportunity in Poland
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce the NAWA Chair programme – guest professorship in Poland. The first edition of the programme is open to the fields of humanities, social and theological sciences.
Under the programme, Polish universities as well as scientific and research institutes will be able to invite to Poland outstanding specialists from their priority areas who will significantly further breakthrough research, strengthen the institutions’ teaching activities and support them in preparing applications for prestigious grants. Polish higher education and scientific institutions will employ scientists from various countries around the world for a period of 36-48 months, and create project groups for them. The following shall be financed under the programme: • remuneration of the guest professor together with the employer’s costs (approx. EUR 7,200 a month) • remuneration for the members of the project group together with the employer’s costs (the project group may not be created if the type or scope of research does not require it) • resettlement expenses of the guest professor and persons staying with him or her in the same household in the form of a one-off mobility allowance • research component financed by the National Science Centre in Poland. The visiting scientist should devote at least 50% of his or her scientific activity to project implementation under the programme. The project should start no earlier than February 1, 2021, but not later than October 31, 2021. NAWA will announce editions for other fields of science in the following years. We kindly encourage you to contact Polish higher education and scientific entities and apply for the NAWA Chair grant. The call for applications is open until July 31, 2020.
If you have any questions about the programme, please contact Artur Kołodziejczyk, email:; phone no. + 48 22 390 35 90.
Further details are provided at NAWA website: