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The Ulam Programme 2020 - scholarship programme by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange addressed to post-doctoral incoming researchers


The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce the second edition of the programme for post-doctoral incoming researchers: The Ulam Programme. The objective of The Ulam Programme is to help foreign researchers to develop their careers by intensifying international mobility and to allow them to establish scientific cooperation with excellent host institutions in Poland.


A proposal may be submitted only by a person who holds a doctoral degree. Activities to be carried out during the scholarship may include:  

  • conducting research and/or development work;
  • post-doctoral training;
  • obtaining materials for scientific work or publication;
  • conducting didactic classes at the host centre.

Visits within the Ulam Programme can last from 6 to 24 months. The Programme provides financing for a scholarship covering both the Beneficiary’s allowance costs in relation to their stay at a host institution, in an amount of approx. 2400 EUR a month and a mobility allowance.

Learn more about the conditions for application, timing, etc.


NAWA​_Ulam​_e-leaflet.pdf 0.49MB