Completion of the ECO SCHOOL project in Madaba
On November 27, the ECO SCHOOL project officially closed at the Nusayba al Mazeneya school in Madabah. The project was implemented by the local non-governmental organization Green Jordan in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Amman, financed by the Polish Aid.
The project aimed to support environmental education and sustainable development by introducing changes to the infrastructure and processes at school and raising awareness among Madaba residents about individual ways of protecting the environment.
As part of ECO SCHOOL, students participated in weekly educational meetings in the form of workshops, games and local trips. The project topics included waste management, nature conservation, water consumption, renewable energy and biodiversity. As part of the workshops, students planted 50 native tree species and participated in the process of introducing a waste management system at the school.
As part of the project, workshops were organized on ecological alternatives, waste reduction and organic gardening to promote a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection. The workshops were attended by students and parents, teachers, representatives of local authorities and the Ministry of Environment of HKJ.
During the project, students actively participated in weekly radio broadcasts on local environmental problems and promotion of activities for its protection.
Photos: Green Jordan