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Raclawice Panorama


The Raclawice Panorama is Poland’s most famous battle scene painting. It is the only cycloramic painting in the country and one of only a few in Europe.

Raclawice Panorama

The Raclawice Panorama was first put on display at the Universal National Exhibition in Lviv in 1894 to mark the 100th anniversary of the Kościuszko Rising, a national insurrection against Russia and Prussia.

It depicts the first victorious battle fought by troops under Tadeusz Kościuszko’s command near the village of Raclawice. Even though the Rising ended in defeat, setting the stage for the third and final partition of Poland in 1795, this initial success impressed itself on the national consciousness and with time became a potent symbol. For over 120 years , during which Poles were subjugated and struggled to regain sovereignty, the painting helped them believe that the nation could unite and prevail over a stronger foe.

