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Seminar on Polish Technologies


On December 1, 2023, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Nairobi will organise the Seminar on Polish Technologies for Sustainable Development of Agriculture, Green Energy and Vocational Training. The seminar will be held in Serena Hotel, Nairobi.


               The main objective of the event is to present an offer of Polish high technology sector to broad Kenyan audience. The first session of the seminar will be focused on the technologies, researches, and portfolios of various Polish companies of hi-tech sector, including agricultural technology, IT, vocational training, green energy, and communication. Particular emphasis will be placed on the development of scientific research in the field of agrotechnics. In the second session, we would like to discuss different investment opportunities in Kenya, and exchange the experiences of cooperation between Polish and Kenyan partners, on multilateral, governmental, regional, and private sector level. The seminar will end up with an informal lunch and networking session.

               All the partners interested in participation in the seminar are kindly asked to submit an application form on the website. In case of any technical problems or other questions, please, contact Mr. Paweł Pijanowski, The final agenda of the seminar will be shared prior to the event.
