Šī vietne izmanto sīkdatnes, lai nodrošinātu augstākās kvalitātes pakalpojumus. Izmantojot vietni, tās tiek saglabātas Jūsu ierīcē. Sīkdatņu iestatījumus jebkurā brīdī var mainīt. Turpinot lietot mūsu vietni, Jūs piekrītat klauzulai par personas datu apstrādi, kas saņemti izmantojot elektroniskos saziņas līdzekļus.

Future Health Poland 2021 - virtual event - 23-25.03.2021


Connecting Polish medical & healthcare technology supply chain.

Stethoscope with financial on the desk.

The crisis caused by the coronavirus has practically prevented the global economy from establishing new business contacts in the most known and effective way so far, which has been international exhibitions and face-to-face events. This has made us to develop the first virtual event for Polish producers of medical equipment and devices, pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements, laboratory products and healthcare providers to virtually connect and continue to do business internationally.

Poland is one of the largest countries in Central and Eastern Europe with high economic potential and a stable political situation. It is located in the heart of Europe, which makes it an excellent trade route with well-developed infrastructure. Poland's membership in the EU and NATO ensures its strong position on the international arena and makes it a responsible and reliable business partner.

More: https://futurehealthpoland.com/
