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Polish contribution to projects implemented in Libya


EU COVID-19 support to Libya under the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF Africa)

EUTF for Africa_logo

In the face of the global COVID-19 pandemic, on the Polish initiative a part of the funds (EUR 20 million from EUR 35 million) contributed by the Visegrad Group countries to the EU Trust Fund for Africa for implementing the Support to Integrated Border and Migration Management (IBM) in Libya project - Second phase, was transferred for a project related to combating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic in Libya. The aim of the project is to improve detection of infection cases and combat the spread of the pandemic, by supporting the Libyan health system. The project is dedicated to the most vulnerable groups affected by the conflict (including forcibly displaced persons and migrants), and will be carried out by the EU in cooperation with WHO, UNICEF and IOM.
