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On Children's Day, June 1, let's remember about Ukrainian children.


On this day, let us remember about 7.5 million Ukrainian children affected by Russian aggression. The war in Ukraine is having a devastating effect on children. As the fighting continues, humanitarian needs are multiplying by the hour.

Kędzierzyn-Koźle, 09.03.2022. Mural na starym domu stojącym na skrzyżowaniu ul. Kozielskiej z ul. Przechodni¹ w Kędzierzynie-Koźlu, 9 bm. Dziewczynka w stroju supermana w narodowych barwach Ukrainy pokazuje gest mocy i walki. To dzieło twórcy, który chce pozostaje anonimowy. (aldg) PAP/Krzysztof Świderski

Children are victims of this unprovoked war: they are killed, wounded, and touched by violence. Families are terrified, and desperate for safety.

By 19 May this year, more than 6 million people seeking refuge had fled Ukraine, while more than 8 million had been internally displaced. Such large-scale displacements could have lasting consequences for generations to come. Children fleeing war in Ukraine are also at heightened risk of human trafficking and exploitation. Meanwhile, attacks using explosive weapons in populated urban areas continue to inflict civilian casualties including among children, and considerable damage to essential infrastructure and services. As a result, children’s homes, schools, hospitals, water systems, power plants, and places where civilians are seeking shelter have been damaged or destroyed.

On Children’s Day, we encourage you to see the touching photo exhibition "Frozen. The life of children on the front line ”. The exhibition is devoted to the events in Ukraine that started in 2014. The author of the photos taken in 2019 is Andrij Dubchak, reporter of Radio Svoboda.

We also encourage you to watch the film etude made by the Polish Public Television TVP about the aid provided by Poland for Ukrainian children, entitled "Children of Ukraine".


Frozen. Children Living on the Frontline. Andrij Dubchak
Prezentacja​_Zamrożone​_ENG.mp4 59.90MB
Children of Ukraine. TVP