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Sailing to the place of the tragedy of the Polish escort destroyer ORP Kujawiak


On June 16th, exactly on the 80th anniversary of the sinking of ORP 'Kujawiak' together with thirteen Polish sailors, the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Malta commemorated this tragedy in a special way.

80. rocznica zatonięcia ORP 'Kujawiak'

Thanks to the support of the Armed Forces of Malta, a small group of the Polish Embassy personnel and representatives of the Polish community in Malta sailed the military ship to the wreckage site to celebrate the death of the destroyer's crew. Together with the Maltese soldiers, they commemorated the Polish sailors with a minute of silence and prayer. As a symbolic gesture of recognition for the sacrifice of Polish solders who put into practice the slogan "For our freedom and yours", they threw white and red flowers into the sea. A fragment of a poem by K.K. Baczyński Fri "Sea Ballad" was read as well. 

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