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Anna Mikołajczuk-Zychora

Expert at the National Center for Research and Development

Anna Mikołajczuk-Zychora

Anna Mikołajczuk-Zychora is an Expert at the National Center for Research and Development, where she focuses on the area of ​​chemistry in the field of energy. She is the author of several scientific publications as well as patents and patent applications in the field of fuel cells. She has worked on domestic and international research and development projects in the area of ​​catalysis and electrochemistry. Since 2018, she has been involved in the preparation and implementation of the "Hydrogen Storage" program. Anna holds a PhD in chemical sciences in the field of electrochemistry, catalysis and materials science. She completed her PhD in fuel cells at the International Doctoral Studies at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, where she gained extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of energy storage technologies.
