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Arkadiusz Grądkowski

President of The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Medical Devices POLMED

Arkadiusz Grądkowski

Arkadiusz Grądkowski obtained his Master's degree in law at the Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin.
Currently, he holds the post of the President of The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Medical Devices POLMED which is the oldest and most recognized organization representing manufactures and distributors of medical devices in Poland.
He has many years of experience in healthcare related fields and industries, including medical devices.
He held the position of expert in health care system in The Polish Confederation Lewiatan which is a business organisation representing employers' interests in Poland and in the European Union. He acted as the Confederation Lewiatans’s representative in contacts with public authorities.
He held the position of Deputy Director in the Department of Information on Medical Devices in the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products (competent authority for Medical devices in POLAND).
He worked on the amendment of the Polish Medical Devices Act in 2016-2019 and draft law on medical devices adapting Polish regulations on medical devices to MDR.
He also represented Poland during The European Union (EU) Competent Authorities for Medical Devices (CAMD) meetings.
Moreover, he acted as an expert in the European Commission twinning projects in Moldavia and Macedonia, where he helped to create new law and adapt already existing law on trading medical products and medical devices to the EU requirements.
