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Karina Kwapiszewska Ph. D. Eng.

Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences


Karina is a scientist passionate about breaking interdisciplinary barriers. Her main interest is understanding cell biology and biophysics in order to utilize them in bioanalysis, tissue engineering, and pharmacology. In her research, she bridges biology with hi-tech solutions like microfluidics and advanced microscopy.

Born in 1985. Graduated from Warsaw University of Technology in 2009 (Master of Science, Engineer in Chemical Biotechnology: Drugs and Cosmetics). In 2014 obtained a Ph.D. in Biotechnology from the Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology, for the work on microfluidics for cell engineering. During her post-doc at the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS she investigated the structure of human cell cytoplasm using advanced microscopy methods. Currently, she is developing methods for quantitative biology at a single molecule and single cell level.

Co-author of 36 scientific papers and 10 patents and patent applications. This year she is bringing her newest discovery to the market – Cell-IN, a reagent for the intracellular delivery of macromolecules.
