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Marcin Bielówka


Marcin Bielówka

Economist, a graduate of the Cracow University of Economics, where he studied Economics of Real Estate and Investment. Also completed postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science at Jagiellonian University.

He has over 20 years of experience in supporting investment projects and supervising analyst teams. For more than 12 years, he has managed seed capital funds (KPT Seed Capital Fund, INNOventure), where new, innovative projects are identified, incubated, and companies are established. He has executed or supervised the analysis and evaluation of several thousand investment projects, and conducted more than 100 pre-incubations. The result of this activity was the establishment or investment in over 40 companies, of which more than half have attracted venture capital funds, obtained further rounds of financing, gone public, or have been sold to strategic investors. The portfolios of the funds he has managed include, among others: Synerise, Husarion, Sidly, Poltreg, SDS Optic, Cardiomatics, and Saventic Health.

He is also the originator and co-founder of the Unicorn Hub Startup Platform, which has conducted incubation processes for over 300 startups in Eastern Poland.
