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Marek Świdowicz

Project Manager "Wastewater Treatment Plant, i.e. development and implementation of innovative technologies for wastewater treatment plants"

Marek Świdowicz

From 2020, employed in the Department of Innovative Methods for Program Management Development at the National Center for Research and Development. He runs a project financed by EU funds at the NCBR, in which private entities conduct research on innovative technologies for wastewater treatment plants that allow for the closed-loop management of water and nutrients, and for the production of secondary products from wastewater.

Master of Science in Ecological Engineering. He graduated from the Faculty of Environmental Protection at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn.

He has several years of experience in the municipal economy, mainly in the construction and start-up of sewage treatment plants. He participated in the largest infrastructure projects in the country in the wastewater treatment and energy sectors.
