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Olga Polotska, PhD.

Executive Director, National Research Foundation of Ukraine

dr Olga Polotska

Olga Polotska is Executive Director of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine (NRFU) the main task of which is competitive selection of best R&D projects and their grant support in Ukraine. She holds overall responsibility for the NRFU’s operational activity, represents the Foundation in governmental organs and in international relations, manages activity of the Directorate, and performs other functions in the capacity of the CEO of the state budgetary institution.

She holds a PhD degree in Philology (German Languages, Cognitive Linguistics) and a research title of Associate Professor. She has a 20+ experience of working in the Academia. In 2010-2019 she occupied a position of Head of the English Department at the Faculty of Foreign Languages (at V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University). Since 2019 to 2020 she launched and worked as Head of the Overseas Clients Department at Gryshchenko Clinic-IVF. In 2020, she was appointed Executive Director of the NRFU by the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
