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Paweł Przewięźlikowski

President Ryvu Therapeutics

Paweł Przewieźlikowski

Mr. Przewiezlikowski is the Chief Executive Officer and founder of Ryvu Therapeutics, responsible for strategic management, business and corporate development of the company. He is also the President of Supervisory Board at Ardigen and Member of the Supervisory Board at Selvita. Before founding multiple companies in the biotechnology sector (Ryvu, Ardigen, NodThera), Mr. Przewiezlikowski was a member of the executive team at technology company Comarch, responsible for divisions involved in multiple industries including the pharmaceutical industry. He was also the co-founder, the first CEO and then the Vice President of the Supervisory Board of, the third largest Internet portal in Poland.

Mr. Przewiezlikowski is a member of the Economic Council of the Malopolska (Krakow) region. He was awarded Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta for his contributions to the development of Poland’s business environment, as well as, EY Entrepreneur of the Year 2015 award in the New Technologies/Innovation category in Poland. Mr. Przewiezlikowski holds an MBA from the joint program of the Teesside University (United Kingdom) and Krakow School of Economics (Poland) as well as master degree in computer science from AGH Technical University in Krakow. He also studied IT at the Technical University in Berlin. 
