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Professor Piotr Garstecki

specialist in the field of physical chemistry

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Garstecki

Piotr Garstecki, a graduate of the Academy of Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a graduate of the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and a graduate of Chemistry at Harvard. In 2014, the title of professor. Co-author of over 150 scientific publications, including in nature, nature communication, Angewandte chemistry, natural physics. At the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, he runs a research group for microfluidic techniques. He has received numerous grants, including ERC Starting Grant (European Research Council) and EIC SME (European Innovation Council). In 2010, he founded Scope Fluidics, a biotechnology start-up that led to the market launch of repairing a technique that poses a health risk. In the year of the year, she sold the company Rad Laboratoria, Biotechnology in the field of life sciences and diagnostics to the 20th world leader of PCR | ONE, which repaired the diagnosis of diseases caused by a bacterial and viral company. Scope Liquids Bacteria that lead new technologies - repair and repair, access to bacterial testing - antibiotic resistance - and additional projects in the area of ​​new research and bacterial work.
