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Stanisław Bienias


Between 2004-2013 Stanislaw Bienias was a Head of the National Evaluation Unit in Polish Ministry of Regional Development. He was responsible for organizing the process of evaluation of Cohesion Policy. He was one of key experts in developing evaluation and monitoring system of Cohesion Policy in perspective 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 in Poland. In the period of 2004-2013 he took part in almost all DG Regio Evaluation Network meetings taking active role (as a representative of Polish government). He was organizer and speaker on  dozens of national and international conferences.

He is giving lectures concerning evaluation, monitoring and indicators in Warsaw School of Economics. He is an author of numerous publications in the field of evaluation and public policies.

Since 2013 Stanislaw has decided to continue his mission within non-for-profit organization Foundation IDEA for Development and he is a President of IDEA Institute Ltd. He has been a team leader or key expert in dozens of evaluation studies conducted in numerous EU and non-EU countries.
