Visegrad Group and Western Balkan ministers meet in Rogalin
The foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans met at the historic Rogalin Palace on Monday 28 June 2021 to discuss how to accelerate the pace of European integration, support one another in the efforts to rebuild a strong post-pandemic Europe, and how to draw on the experience of Central Europe in building an effective regional partnership. Hosted by Foreign Minister Prof. Zbigniew Rau, the meeting was Poland’s initiative as part of its Visegrad Group presidency, which is now coming to an end. At the invitation of the Polish side, the meeting was also attended by the Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs and the EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues.
The central theme of the talks was European integration of the region. Participants agreed that the current pace of the EU enlargement process needs to be reinvigorated. The foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group expressed their unwavering support for the integration efforts of the Western Balkans, both in the political dimension and through sharing their experiences of the pre-accession period and 17 years of EU membership. Visegrad Group countries want the accession negotiations with both Albania and North Macedonia to start without further delay. This should be done during the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, starting in July. The ministers expressed hope for further progress in accession negotiations with Serbia and Montenegro.
The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the post-pandemic situation. The chief of Polish diplomacy stressed the importance of EU solidarity and cooperation with the region in this regard. “The scale of financial and medical assistance provided by the EU and its member states to the Western Balkans is testimony to the importance we attach to this relationship,” said Minister Rau. He recalled Poland’s assistance for the countries of the region, which included shipments of personal protective equipment and disinfectant. He also announced further assistance measures. According to the meeting participants, the implementation of the EU’s Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans could play a pivotal role in the post-pandemic recovery of the economies. The chief of Polish diplomacy declared commitment to supporting the green and digital transformation of the Western Balkan partners.
When discussing prospects for developing regional cooperation, the representatives of the Western Balkans expressed interest in drawing on the experience of the Visegrad cooperation and its collaboration modalities. In the ministers’ presence, the executive directors of the International Visegrad Fund (IVF) and the Western Balkans Fund (WBF) signed a memorandum of understanding on technical assistance from the IVF for the WBF. Each year, a number of projects for Western Balkan partners are implemented through the IFV (currently with an estimated value of EUR 800,000). The Fund also offers scholarships to students from the Western Balkans at universities in V4 countries.
While discussing regional cooperation, the ministers also stressed the importance of the reconciliation process and good neighbourly relations. They noted the need for effective communication on the benefits of European integration and countering disinformation.
The Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group countries on the Western Balkans is available below.
In the margins of the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani presented Minister Zbigniew Rau with a plaque commemorating Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki’s contribution to strengthening independence efforts, supporting the Euro-Atlantic integration process, and strengthening the multi-ethnic, multicultural and multi-faith cohesion of the state and society. He asked the chief of Polish diplomacy to pass it over to Mr Mazowiecki’s family. This initiative is part of North Macedonia’s celebrating the 30th anniversary of its independence. In this context, its minister of foreign affairs decided to honour 30 foreigners—senior EU and NATO officials, statesmen, diplomats, and experts linked with North Macedonia and the region.
Before the meeting in Rogalin, delegation heads laid wreaths at the Monument to the Victims of June 1956 in Poznań.
MFA Press Office
Photo: Sebastian Indra, Tymon Markowski/MFA
Video: Gabriel Piętka/MFA
Joint Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Visegrad Group countries on the Western BalkansV4_Joint_Statement_on_WB_final.pdf 0.26MB