Webinar on Electric and Hydrogen-based mobility in the V4 countries (Policies, challenges and opportunities)
Today, more and more countries and companies are embarking on the road to net zero emissions by mid-century. Oil free transportation offers the hope of a new world of mobility that is not reliant on finite and polluting fossil fuels. EVs enjoy an unprecedented momentum in Europe: numerous countries and car manufacturers stated their ambitions to phase out ICE vehicles from the market in the coming decades. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the sale of EVs grew considerably in 2020, thanks to the various government incentives and recovery packages. Electric vehicles are one of the few technologies on track under the IEA’s Sustainable Development Scenario. Another technology, which offers a low or zero-carbon solution to long-haul heavy transport, hydrogen is once again at the forefront of the agenda of governments. More and more countries are developing hydrogen strategies and new pilot projects are mushrooming.
Issues for discussion
How can the V4 countries, with generally lower purchasing power than their western counterparts, reap the benefits of this trend and gradually decarbonize their transportation systems?
What are the results so far and what are the objectives for the forthcoming decade and beyond?
How can we navigate through our common challenges (e.g. high dependence on the automotive industry that is itself in a transition)?
How can we avoid unnecessary competition between various low-carbon transport solutions?
How can we ensure clean, affordable, competitive, and energysecure transportation for the decades to come?
To attend the webinar, kindly register by sending an email to the following address:
ewa.chmura-golonka@msz.gov.pl or Daniel.Balog@mfa.gov.hu
Draft Agenda: Webinar on Electric and Hydrogen-based mobility in the V4 countries (Policies, challenges and opportunities). 08.07.2021OECD-25_webinar_on_e-mobility_in_V4_countries_-_DRAFT_AGENDA.pdf 0.52MB